Ariie West, also known as Big Flacko, is a rising star hailing from the West Side of Harlem. Born Robert Nicholson Salik on April 4th, 1999, this Aries has quickly made a name for himself in the music industry with his unique blend of drill and musicality.
Growing up in a musical family, it’s no surprise that Ariie West was destined for a career in the industry. His father was a DJ, and his mother was a background dancer, providing him with a foundation in rhythm and sound. He started making music professionally at the age of 15 and began his career as a music producer in Pharrell’s camp.
Ariie West’s love of the stage began at a young age when he participated in school showcases. He not only knows how to play the piano but also the drums and the guitar. His musical talent and production knowledge are evident in his unique sound, which distinguishes him from other drill artists coming out of New York. He combines a variety of sounds, such as the guitar, synthesizers, and multiple drums, to create complex tracks that his fans can’t get enough of.
“Dangerous,” released on January 13th, 2023, has already amassed over 350k streams across multiple platforms, cementing Ariie West’s position as a rising star in the industry. He is known for his tenacity and determination, and his recent success is just the beginning of what he has planned for the future.